He was the first baby. Ever! And he turned out to be a murderer. And I thought, how sad. And how incredibly typical of sin, and the human nature. It could only ever be downhill from there. Or was it?…
Read MoreNever be afraid to be a broken thing
Read MoreWe all desire purpose in our lives. It is the time we have in the now which needs to be lived. Grasp this moment, act now, for our "times are truly in His Hands".
Read MoreWill God ever reject us? Check out the logic of God's word to Jeremiah.
Read MoreThere seems to be an emphasis on repeating too much, and the words being empty or meaningless. And it’s how people pray who don’t know God…
Read MoreThe pre-schooler took her hand and was all of a sudden able to face the task. He moved quicker, was more sure of himself and was willing to keep going and walking that dog.
Read MoreDeath is swallowed up in victory.
O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?
I saw these little children not only as the future builders in His kingdom but I also saw them as already now kingdom builders as little as they are.
Read MoreWhatever it is you might be 'running from', the story of Jonah in the boat tells us that when he came to realise he was trying to run from God, and when he finally stopped running, the storms - the raging... stopped.
Read MoreIf these poetic lines tell us anything, it's that David realised that he could not survive without God.
Read MoreI guess I find this sort of encouraging. Even when I feel like a failure, it's ok. God is still there. It happens to us all and God knows and understands…
Read MoreNothing makes the promise of never leaving us. Or at least nothing can make the promise - AND KEEP IT.
Read MoreOne of my favourite pictures of Jesus, is that of Him riding on a donkey. Why did He ride on a donkey? He made a particular point of asking His disciples to go and find the particular colt (a donkey’s foal) for the job. And not only that, but this colt and its mother were known by Jesus to already be in a nearby village waiting. They were there by heavenly design for the moment when the King of kings would require them.
Read MoreThere are six facts about Jesus' death and resurrection that are agreed on by almost all scholars. It doesn't matter whether the scholar believe in God or not, they can all agree on the historical reliability of these 6 facts…
Read MorePerhaps I will stop calling January the dead month, and start calling it the alive month. The living month! As God restores life and energy where it had before been dwindling…
Read MoreChurch is a banquet, a smorgasbord of God's word. We feast together spiritually on a Sunday morning and have access to much much more during the week if we seek it…
Read MoreLet's notice the generations of faith in this passage. Paul, Silas and Timothy took the gospel to the Thessalonians, who received the word in faith and turned from false Gods to the true God…
Read MoreThis song speaks of how the presence of God is a Holy Place where we are free to lift up our sorrows to God and to make a sacrifice to Him of all our shame. When I heard these words, my head began to reel and spin with all of the biblical connotations of tears, shame and sacrifice.
Read More“Your faith has made you well.”
Read MoreGod is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
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