Holding Hands With Eternity - by Elizabeth Reynolds

“For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’”

Isaiah 41:13

When I read this, I was reminded of a moment in the Australian TV show "Old People's Home for Four Year Olds". I'm watching season 2 at the moment and Beth and Emily both enjoy watching it with me. It's on Netlfix if you're able to check it out - it's a beautiful, heart-warming documentary/reality show which explores the results of an important social experiment. The idea is to put a bunch of four year olds with a bunch of elderly people, give them activities, challenges and experiences together, and watch them flourish, grow, develop, gain confidence, become more physical and able again, lessen depression, and claim back some joy in life. 

This particular episode involved the elderly and pre-schooler teams to take a dog for a walk. A fantastic motivator to get moving out in the sunshine, and for one particular little four year old, to conquer a fear. He had previously expressed that he was scared of dogs, and so this activity was a challenge for him. The older grown up he was paired with was fine with dogs, but was less confident walking around with the unpredictability of uneven footpaths and an active dog on the end of a leash. 

What was astoudning, was that this older lady was so distracted by helping the little boy feel okay about having a dog so near him, that she was walking with confidence and agilty without even realising. What really stood out to me though, was watching the fear and uncertainty in the little boy disappear when the lady held out her hand and said, "Hold my hand. It's okay. I'm here. I'll help you."

The pre-schooler took her hand and was all of a sudden able to face the task. He moved quicker, was more sure of himself and was willing to keep going and walking that dog. 

Reading this scripture from Isaiah makes me see God in this way. Someone who:

  • walks alongside us,

  • notices our fear, 

  • empathises with our struggle, and 

  • holds out His hand to us and

  • says, "Hold My hand. Don't be afraid. I will help you."

Picturing this elderly lady and this little pre-schooler walking the dog, gave me this beautiful picture of us and our Father God. Not only is He our Father, but He is King of all ages, over all the universe. He is the endless, unfathomable Lord of time and creation. And we get to hold His hand! It is something like magic that happens when a little person takes hold of a grown-up’s hand. How much more wonderful when we hold hands with eternity!

When you're afraid... just take His hand! Doing this gives you the strength and confidence you need to take on the challenge ahead. Doing this connects you to Him, the Source of all life, love, peace, and wisdom… Once you've done this, listen. Hear His voice saying, as a loving Father, "Fear not. I will help you."

Is reaching out for God's hand the first thing you do when struggle comes?

I pray you have a blessed week!