He existed before He was born and lived after He died. The timelines of Earth point to Him. More than 300 ancient prophecies point to Him. Even other world religions point to Him. He is the most famous Man in history. No other man (or woman) even comes close. He, of course, is Jesus.
Read MoreBut who is the gardener? Who is the one with the fork and trowel? Digging away, scooping, scraping…
Read More…Until of course, this man came and met Jesus. And Jesus touches this man! Imagine all the people watching. NOBODY touches a leper! Did Jesus just make Himself unclean? No! The man did not pass his uncleanness onto Jesus. In a faith-induced, miracle act, Jesus passed His ‘cleanness’ onto the man instead!
Read MoreHe wrote ‘a bit of a song’ (as he describes it), five verses long and poetically telling of the explorers and pioneers that discovered the West Coast. He had written four verses, but it didn’t seem complete. He felt the Lord say to him, “Where do I come in in this song?” So Ted knew he had to write a fifth verse, but he was stumped as to how to go about it.
Read More“Peter stood”…. but the scripture says he stood up with the eleven other disciples to preach that day. I never saw that before. They stood together.
Read MorePentecost is the celebration of the Holy Spirit coming down to us! And I think this deserves just as much celebratory efforts as Christmas and Easter.
Read MoreIn a remarkable act of sportsmanship, Steve Smith walked over, bent down, and tied Shamar’s shoelaces.
Read MoreIf you’re feeling a bit hot and bothered by the dry Summer weather, these tips might be just what you need!
Read More“Don’t you have any thoughts of your own?!” Well of course I had, but I had taken these thoughts captive to obey Christ.
Read MoreThis soul-rest perhaps doesn't come naturally, but it seems to be something we must take an active role in learning. I wonder, what is 'rest for your soul'?
Read MoreThe words of the Lord are to be desired more than anything else…
Read MoreOne of the many roles as a teacher is to be a peacemaker. Some days just seem to be filled with little people’s problems and me trying to fix them. So, if I’m making peace all day long, that means I’m going to be really blessed right?
Read MoreChrist as the Light of the world emerging out of the dark nothingness, the dark womb and the dark tomb are echoes of the same story.
Read MoreIn the story of the birth of Jesus, we can see how different people ‘made room’ for His coming. In a very literal and corporal sense, Mary made room for Jesus to grow in her body. Joseph made room in his life to be a father to a child which wasn’t biologically his own.
Read MoreWhich is of more worth - a baby donkey or a baby lamb? If I've got to offer a lamb or goat to redeem a donkey, which would I rather keep?
Read MoreWe must come close to someone to hear them properly. Especially when they are quiet, and quite often, God speaks to us in a quiet voice.
Read MoreAnd when thinking about it more deeply one day, it occurred to me that verse 10 is one of several verses that supports the fact that we have free will. Let Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Read MoreHis plans are not our plans and His timing is not our timing.
Read MoreWhat do we do with our 'not enough'? I don't think it would be easy to thank God for 'not enough'. To thank him for what appears to be a very obvious lack seems illogical.
Read MoreAnd when you get 7 minutes to listen to the whole thing, close your eyes as you listen to the bridge. Picture in your mind what the lyrics describe - this is when we truly come home.
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