
Within the family of God, the Spirit is calling and enabling us to live a new way of life. It is a way of life that is patterned (by the Spirit) on the life of Jesus the Messiah. Unlike a New Year’s resolution, this ‘Jesus way of life’ releases us from our old ways of doing life and initiates us into a new, God centred way. Its two key words are ‘love’ and ‘forgiveness’.
We will see that life now is to be centred in Jesus Christ and how he lived. We will also see how the Spirit wants to produce that life in us. The key word here is ‘incarnation’; that of making the life of Jesus real in and through our lives. In this way the fact of God’s one new family will become a reality among us. Our lives together will become a powerful incentive for people to respond to the grace of God. It is an adventure that God calls each of us to become part of.
