Heart for His Family.....us!

From the beginning of recorded time, GOD has placed people in families. It was HIS idea that couples would marry, that we would all be born into families, & that we would all have family ties. Marriage & singleness are GOD’S good gift. The GOD who initiated the family surely is still interested in families, including yours & mine. If you believe as I do, that GOD is sovereign, ever present, & touched by our infirmities & struggles, you will agree that the mighty hand of GOD has an impact on our marriages & families. The family has been called the ’giant shock absorber’ of society. Home is the place to which the bruised & battered individual returns after doing battle with the world, the one stable point in an increasingly flux-filled environment. The church can, & must, become a stabilising influence that gives direction, healing, hope, & security to marriages & families. GOD is the life giver of all families & HIS love, care & encouragement is evident in the life of HIS church family. May you feel HIS heart beat today for you & your family.

GrowthBFCFamily, Heart