Woman at the Well - by Jeff Byerley

Jeff conducts a bible study each week in the city.  These are the notes from the shared study together.  We pray they below you.


John 4:4-26 Samaritan Woman at the well.


We discussed who the Samaritans were. The passage itself gives a good background.

The NIV Compact Bible Dictionary states at p.520.

  • In 721 BC Sargon of Assyria destroyed Samaria.
  • Newcomers from the North intermarried with the Israelite remnant.
  • A mixed religion developed (2 Kings 17:33) and was held in contempt by the Jews.
  • Sanballat of Samaria was a hindrance to Nehemiah (Neh 2:10).
  • Sanballat set up a rival temple at Mt Gerizim for his son-in-law Manasseh.
  • The Samaritans accepted only the Pentateuch.

Perhaps this is why Jesus said "salvation is from the Jews".
The Jews had comprehensive access to all the books of the Old Testament.


Our Summary of the Passage is the outline below:

This woman was an outcast living among an outcast people. Jesus reveals divine mysteries to meet her deep needs.

  • 4:7-15 He is the source of eternal life.
  • 4:16-18 He is the source of forgiveness.
  • 4:19-24 He is the source of true worship.
  • 4:25-26 He is the Messiah who reveals all things.

Jesus' mercy transcends barriers of race, gender, space and time.