Welcome to our page of practical love and care needs across our Church. Like any house and facility, there are many things that need to be managed, fixed, improved and repaired.
During the year, we hold an annual working bee and two garden-bees however these times do not always suit everyone and the list of needs never seems to end. Therefore we want to identify some of the needs here so that people who want to help are no longer confined to specific timeslots or our three working bees each year!
Maybe individually, you can assist, or maybe you can form a small group and join together. As many hands make the work light, maybe you can lend a hand to the practical things that need to happen in and around the Church Facility. You might have an hour a month, or 15 minutes during the week to offer your help in looking after what the Lord has given to us. We would love help each week, or once per term or whatever frequency can suit you.
The below are various needs that we would love for you to help us with. These needs can be shared with more than one person. Can you help?
Help inside the Church
Monthly removal of rubbish from Church pew pockets
Monthly purchase and bagging of gluten free communion bread into the Kitchen Freezer ready for weekly communion
Summer and Winter season changing of the batteries in the clocks across the Church
Summer and Winter season cleaning of glass windows and doors throughout the church
Periodical sharpening of pencils in the church’s kid’s area
General tidying / clearing of church pews - of rubbish and lost property items
Help outside the Church
Weekly pulling the bins in from the side of the road on a Thursday afternoon or Friday morning
End of Term removal of donated empty cans and bottles to return to recycler’s to raise funds for Missions
Seasonal completion of our Site Checklist to inspect for any damage and needs of repair, leaving completed list in vestry pigeon hole
Help in the Office
Monthly making of Mission Envelopes by placing stickers onto envelopes. Completed envelopes are placed two or three into each pews pocket in the auditorium
Monthly checking of consumables and supplies in kitchen/bathroom areas using a checklist, and leaving completed list in vestry pigeon hole
Help in the Garden
Removing leaves around the Church and placing into the Green Bin, especially during Autumn and Winter months
As needs lawn mowing of the Church verges
Quarterly trimming back of ground cover from carpark edge
Larger tasks or one-off items
Refixing the gutter to the south side of the Slape Building
Trimming the trees along the northern fence line of the top block
Please feel free to speak with Jeff, Pam or Nick if you can assist. Or you can complete the below form and send your response via email!
About this page
We will endeavour to keep this page updated and refreshed by the end of each month. We will also show what areas of help have been received and what areas still require help.