7 Words Easter Series // Salvation

Gratitude and amazement towards our Father who ‘demonstrated His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.’ (Rom 5:8).  Jesus gave His life for us through the tortuous implement of subjugation perfected by the Romans – the cross of crucifixion.

The love of Jesus towards us is powerfully exhibited in the Gospel’s which recorded 7 sayings spoken by Jesus while He was being crucified, enduring the horror of the cross.  Over 7 weeks, we will look at each of these precious sayings:

These seven sayings or phrases from the Cross of Christ could be summarised as expressions of: Forgiveness, Salvation, Relationship, Abandonment, Distress, Victory and Trust.

The hope for this Easter is that we would respond to Christ, and be pulled closer to in as we hear these seven words, understanding these seven truths and follow these seven examples.