As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear Him. Psalm 103:13
This means that every single moment we are parenting our children, the heavenly Father is also parenting us.
Read MoreAs a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear Him. Psalm 103:13
This means that every single moment we are parenting our children, the heavenly Father is also parenting us.
Read MoreJesus stated v.56 that "Abraham rejoiced that he was to see my day".
Some see this in Gen. 12:3; 15:8-21; 22:1-19.
But really it is enough that Jesus states this.
The Jews dispute that Jesus is greater than Abraham.
Then Jesus declares "before Abraham was I AM".
The Jews attempted to stone Jesus but he hid himself and went out of the Temple.
Jesus explains he is also the light of life. Jesus is the very light of God come among men; and Jesus is the light, which gives people life. A flower can never blossom when it never sees the sunlight. So our lives can never flower with the grace and beauty they ought to have until they are irradiated with the light of the presence of Jesus Christ
Read MoreIn Church, you should have daughters and sons but as an older generation, it is your responsibility to move first into motherhood. And because of this, in Church, you should have mothers. The natural and right response is to embrace mums! The Church is a place where woman are called to practice motherhood. Motherhood should be obvious, experienced and celebrated.
Read MoreMy mother was capable, always made things look easy. Nothing was too hard. She knew the value of being a mother even when things were bleak, difficult or meaningless. She had a higher calling. Her God-given job as a mother was important.
I think of my mum as being sacrificial, selfless, caring, loving, mentor, guide and advice giver (even when not wanted), protector, shelter (through the storms of life), giving, and faithful in prayer.
Every time you say no to temptation and no to sin, you make a sacrifice. Every time you say yes to generous giving and giving up your time and resources to serve others, that is a spiritual sacrifice. Every time your actions 'cost' you something here on this earth, that is a sacrifice of spiritual consequence. So because of this, as ones who belong to this holy priesthood, what have a different value system and thought process about 'land' and 'wealth', We realise that for us, Jesus is our share, Jesus is our portion and our inheritance.
Read MoreThe people knew that the authorities intended to kill Jesus. Earlier they declared him to be demon-possessed for expressing such thoughts! The Messiah was identifying himself as Saviour, yet the people refused to be saved. The opposition attempted to arrest Jesus. But their plans failed as his time had not yet come. The religious leaders were breaking the very laws they professed to uphold
Read MoreThink about a time when a new person entered into your world, someone who did not know you or your previous work or accomplishments. Someone who did not value your skills or experience or even desire to find out anything about you. The favour or history you have enjoyed, and perhaps rightfully so, disappears before your eyes.
Read MoreOne day when I was riding in the back of the car beside my baby girl watching her staring up at me - again - constantly, it struck me. This is how Jesus wants us to look at him. Staring. Without blinking. It’s not rude. It’s not awkward. It’s a child looking up at its parent with total trust, a feeling of total comfort, confidence and reassurance.
Read MoreJesus was attacked by the religious leaders for healing on the Sabbath. Then he was attacked for claiming to be the Son of God. Jesus explained his relationship with his Father. Jesus declared that he would judge the dead whom he would raise.But his (and our) work meanwhile is also to Wake the Dead (the spiritually dead).
Read MoreThis is a well known miracle and the only one recorded in all four gospels. So our familiarity with it can tempt us to treat it rather glibly and miss out the extra detail that John provides.
Indeed, if we examine every verse and ask questions, the whole passage lights up like never before.
Bible Study - John 5.16-30 The Authority of the So
This passage is most profound, and it is a privilege to study and discuss.
Read MoreOne of my favourite stories in the old testament is the one about Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego - and it's all because of one short little phrase.
Read MoreWhenever you have power, you should use it help a person - not withholding the good you can give through your power. Afterall, if we trust God, we are actually His agents at work in the world that needs help - and God is able to bring people across our paths who we can help.
Read MoreMy mind had moved quickly from misplaced wallet to stolen wallet - i was already worrying about tomorrow, when really, there was no need. I was feeling stressed about tomorrow when it was all in my head. Today has enough troubles yet i had begun to fill my head with tomorrows troubles also.
Read MoreA great habit is to ask every day for wisdom - to ask God for help with your everyday things. And maybe you can avoid making decisions you didn't need to make, spending what you didnt need to spend, and giving time to things that never needed time.
Read MoreJohn 5.1-15 Healing at the Pool. Every miracle of Jesus is amazing. This one made us even more struck with wonder.
Read MoreWhen Jesus invites us to follow Him, when you grasp that 'me' fully, you too will have a decision make - to give up your life and follow....or stay with the fish. These ordinary people followed because when the 'me' invites you, to follow is the only action that makes sense.
Read MoreFinding moments to engage in contemplative thinking has always been a challenge, but today more than ever, we struggle to create space in our lives for reflection. Instead, there are powerful media devices everywhere that promise unending entertainment and amusement.
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