Time Flies - by Laura Duke

So, this devotional is late because I didn't put a reminder in my calendar to do it last Wednesday. 

This has made me think about how incredibly easy it is to forget things if we don't put reminders in place. 

There are so many examples of this in the Bible. In the Old Testament (Before the birth of Jesus), God frequently places reminders in the lives of his beloved chosen people.

In Joshua chapter 4, God causes the Jordan river to cease flowing so that his people can cross over on dry land. He commands that 12 stones be taken from the river bed and set up as a memorial, so that in generations to come, when children ask what the stones are for, the people will remember God's faithfulness and power.  

God gave different feasts and festivals to remind the people of key moments in their history - such as Passover. Passover was given to remind the people of God's faithfulness in the past in rescuing them out of slavery in Egypt through the protection of the blood of lambs. It also pointed them towards God's future faithfulness in rescuing the people out of sin and death through the protection of the Blood of the Lamb of God - Jesus himself - who defeated death through his resurrection from the dead!

Today, we have the sacrament of communion which we participate in each week at church. This is a time to remember The sacrifice Jesus gave on the cross and the victory He won over death through His resurrection. 

Can you think of any other reminders that God gives to his people and to us in the Bible? Perhaps you can keep your eyes peeled as you read His word over the next few weeks and months, searching for these reminders. 

It is easy to forget. It is so easy to overlook important things because our lives are so busy. Time flies, right? 

Perhaps forgetting can serve as another reminder. Whenever you realise you've forgotten something, double-booked yourself or failed to put a reminder in your phone, calendar or diary, may it remind you that God is faithful. 

I pray that we may we always take time to remember our salvation in Jesus. May we always take time to rest in the knowledge that our God and His everlasting love is eternally faithful. 

May God bless you this week with frequent reminders of His faithfulness and love for you. 
