Don't mistake it with detachment. - by Bec Bonython

Graham Cooke in his book A Divine Confrontation says:
"God's silence is just that - His silence. Don't mistake it with detachment. God is never aloof or unresponsive. Allow His silence to draw us to meditate on Him. This becomes the prelude to worship and is the entrance of revelation that then brings a change to us."
I have been thinking about this quote and my comments below are just one aspect; more the latter half of the quote. To be honest, I personally find it quite difficult to be quiet with God. I want to speak. I want Him to speak to me. I want noise. If there is no interaction or noise then I feel like my time with God has been 'unproductive'. Yet that is not how God's economy works. The most 'productive' times with God are when I have stopped doing, talking, making noise and just 'be'. It has been in those moments when I have felt accepted, comforted, at peace, loved and that I belong.
You often hear stories of long time married couples that just sit in silence with each other (and not because they have been arguing and are giving each other the silent treatment!!), because they are happy in each other's company. There is a level of maturity in their relationship.
~ They are at peace and content with each other
~ They know what each other's needs are without saying a word.
~ They don't need to prove anything to each other
~ They don't require anything from each other
Their silence is not unproductive, but is innately productive. It is the continual union and joining of their relationship.
I encourage us pause and relishes with God; in silence. And as we do, God will meet with us, the relationship with grow deeper as He reveals more of Himself to us.