Rhythm - by Bec Bonython
The rhythms of life are often skewed and difficult to juggle. Work - rest - play - worship. Sometimes we get it right..... but often we don't! Improportionate levels of any of those 4 aspects can lead to fatigue, decreased creativity, periods of spiritual drought or burnout.
In Mark 3:1-6 we see Jesus healing so many sick and afflicted people - they just keep coming and coming! And, at the same time, Jesus is receiving flack from the Pharisees. At a time when He could have stayed at the temple and argued with the Pharisees, or kept healing the sick, Jesus chose instead to get in the boat - away from the crowds. And in verse 7, we see him withdrawing with his disciples, to relax and spend time with His disciples.
Jesus knew the right balance. He knew he needed some time to play. Time to hang with his disciples and laugh and chat. Often we also read that Jesus goes away from his disciples to pray and spend time with His Father. Jesus knew how to navigate balance, when to play, work, worship and rest. He shows us that even the busiest person must have balance in their lives otherwise it will be detrimental to themselves, and their family and their relationship with God.
Today, how is your rhythm of life looking? Worship - work - play - rest. How are you travelling? What needs to be tweaked to get the right balance in your life?