Pride - by Elizabeth Reynolds

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
 ~ Romans 3:23-24

When we choose to receive Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, we have entered a new standing with God. As we have been justified, God has made a legal judgment on us in which he now declares us as holy. He puts Christ’s sinlessness on our record instead of our own sinfulness. But that is, if we choose to put our trust in Him and His righteousness.

Imagine a courtroom. You are the one up for judgment, but you are permitted to put your own record forward as evidence, or someone else’s. What an opportunity!

But hey, you haven’t lived such a bad life, surely your record won’t be too bad. Or perhaps you’re feeling proud of your record and wish to make sure it is yours that is presented so everyone can see how great you are… perhaps you could put forward your own record.

OR, you can choose an advocate. Someone who will put their own record forward as your own. Someone sinless and perfect. A substitute. And with this perfect record, you will go free. The Judge will find no fault, no sin, only holiness and righteousness. You WILL be pardoned of all and any offenses.

God the Father and Judge, offers this. BUT – we must make the choice to have Jesus’ record cover our own. We must choose the substitute – ask Him to come forward and be our advocate. And this requires acceptance of our faults – realisation that we will always fall short. It requires us to swallow any pride we might have in our own achievements. It requires humility and surrender.

by Elizabeth Reynolds