Matthew 3 > John the Baptist - by Jeff Byerley

3:1-6 Description of John the Baptist
3:7-10 John's warning to the Pharisees and Sadducees.
3:11-12 Description of Christ.
3:13-17 The baptism of Jesus.

Our Further Reflections
1. Why did Jesus insist on being baptised by John (v.15)?
2. The different ways in which Jesus' ministry was divinely authenticated.
3. Examples of humility - Jesus and John.
4. Examples of pride - Pharisees and Sadducees.
5. Clarity of purpose.
6. Application to ourselves

The Study
In chapter 1 we saw Matthew establishing that Jesus, born of Mary by divine means, is the legal descendant of David in accordance with requirement of the Messiah. In chapter 2 we see that he was divinely protected from the murderous hands of Herod and safely brought up in a devout Jewish family. Now in chapter 3 we see divine recognition of who Jesus is, as he prepares for his Father's work of salvation.

3:1-6 Description of John the Baptist
3:7-10 John's warning to the Pharisees and Sadducees.
3:11-12 Description of Christ.
3:13-17 The baptism of Jesus.

Our Further Reflections

1. Why did Jesus insist on being baptized by John (v.15)?

We know that Jesus did not commit any sin. So why would he need to undergo a baptism of repentance? Jesus on the cross was to represent sinful humanity in need of repentance. It was necessary that he identify with the people in every way, although he himself, committed no sin. We recalled also that Matthew showed Jesus as perfectly obeying the Father, where Israel had failed including in matters of repentance. Baptism also represented arising to new life, for which Jesus would pioneer the way.

2. The different ways in which Jesus' ministry was divinely authenticated.

(1) God's prophet John the Baptist (v.13);
(2) OT Scripture (v.3);
(3) The Holy Spirit (v.16); and
(4) God the Father (v.17).

3. Examples of humility. - Jesus and John.

Despite the above Jesus always acted with humility. He came alone to see John; no royal dress, crown or servants. He did not come from any earthly palace, but rather from a humble home in despised Galilee. John also came out of the desert making no claim to fame but only to be “a voice crying out in the wilderness” and being not even worthy to tie the sandals of the Messiah.

4. Examples of pride – The Pharisees and Sadducees,

The Pharisees and Sadducees took pride in being descendants of Abraham as if that alone assured their salvation. They took pride in their power, position, prestige and religious ritualistic practices. Their pride made them deaf to John's warnings. They not only could not receive his words, but had no desire to receive them. (Luke 11:37-54).

5. Clarity of purpose.

John as well as Jesus, well understood his purpose. Whilst he was humble, he did not by any means shirk his duty to warn and rebuke sinners. However, he was also charged to exhort them to repent and to lead lives of fruitful righteousness. In this he was no respecter of persons as with the religious leaders. Nor was he to let “political correctness” hinder him from charging King Herod with entering an illegal marriage.(Luke 3:19-20).

6. Application to ourselves.

We reflected that we too are humble messengers of the gospel to serve with clarity as to God's purpose for our lives. Where this divine purpose calls us to speak out, we must not be put off by “political correctness” or shrink from our duty by people of power. Our duty is to warn of the wrath to come; to plead with them to repent, accept