Identity - by Ben Bonython

Identity is intricately complex because it has as much to do with ourselves, as it does with our community, and then add the layers of perception, opinion and reality. Confused already? This is because we didn’t consider identity from a Biblical perspective! The Bible teaches that it is the Lord invites us to leave false beliefs we tend to generate about who we are, and instead rest in His true peace in who He is and what He says about us!

The trap to begin with our self is that we tend to base our identity on what we do, or what we have.

The truth is that for all people, our true identity can only be found in Christ. In Jesus, we do not lose our true selves, but we become our true selves. If you’re a Christian, your identity encompasses all the abundance of being a beloved child of God. God made us who we are so we might make known who He is. Therefore our identity is for the sake of making known His identity.

That statement should cause us to pause. If you let it sink in, it will challenge how we view our lives because the reality is that we cannot experience anything greater in life than the fullness of union with Christ.

The first question is do we believe this?

The second question then is do we experience this fullness?