Impossible - by Laura Duke

Last night at Connect, we were discussing the Bible passage where Jesus miraculously feeds 5000 and how this story demonstrates that God is the God of impossible things. 

We were prompted to think about how we respond when faced with something impossible. When Jesus asked Philip where food could be bought to feed the 5000, he responds with very practical and realistic facts about how much it would cost, the implication being that it's not possible. At this point, Philip's brother Andrew pipes up (the passage isn't clear about whether he could hear Jesus' conversation with Philip or not) and says that there is a boy here with some bread and fish, but it's not enough for everyone. 

What was Philip thinking? Duh! Of course it's not enough! Don't be ridiculous Andrew! Quit bothering Jesus with this useless information! Or maybe Andrew's statement began to give Philip hope, maybe it reminded him that Jesus IS all powerful, and that maybe, just maybe, he would pull off something amazing. 

What did Jesus do? He took the pathetic little offering, one little boy's lunch, and performed a miracle! 

So, how do we respond when faced with impossible situations? 
Are we logical and measured, viewing the situation with an earthy understanding of 'possible'?  (That's usually my initial reaction)
Do we look around and see what there is that we have to offer God? 
In faith, do we offer what we can, even when we know it's utterly inadequate? 
Do we trust that God can work a miracle? 

So often I hear people holding back from serving the Lord by using phrases like, 'but I'm not good at that', 'Other people are so much better at it than me', 'I don't have enough time/energy/resources to help out'. 

These are all such logical, and maybe true, things to say and think. But can we progress beyond that mindset? Can we have faith that God will supernaturally supply everything we need? 

I want to thank each of you for stepping out to be part of this team. You are offering what you have to God and trusting that He will multiply it and use it to perform his miraculous works in the lives of those in our church! 

I want to encourage you to keep on! To keep on searching for little loaves and fish that you have to give, even if it looks like it will never be enough. Know that God will supplement and provide abundantly!
