Courage - by Bec Bonython

Courage is not the absence of fear, it's the mastery of it. Courage is doing what we are afraid to do.

The Lord says in Joshua 1:8 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not get discouraged. The Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

As we walk in the Lord with fear and reverence, there are going to be things that He asks us to do. There are going to be moments when we are faced with a decision - the easy way or the hard way, the right way or the wrong way. Sometimes we will have to choose who are we going to trust? Who are we going to serve?

  • It takes courage to be a Christ follower.

  • It takes courage to choose integrity over compromise.

  • It takes courage to stay true to your convictions.

  • It takes courage to take responsibility for your actions.

  • It takes courage to confess your wrongdoings.

It is only when we fear nothing but sin and no one but God that we can begin to make the right decisions in our life.

So even though you are scared and afraid. Even when it could cost you your friends or job or relationship or reputation or status; be encouraged. As you make the right and godly choice, know with confidence that God is with you. God is for you. God is bigger, mightier and stronger than ANY of those consequences.

Know today that God blesses obedience and faithfulness. God blesses those who fear Him and put their trust in Him.



Bec Bonython