Classic Not Plastic - by Ben Bonython

The Classic Not Plastic mantra reflects people who are passionate about something that they perceive as created with a quality that lasts. In context, we are not talking about Ted; albeit it a reasonable assessment, rather the sticker attached to his car. The idea is that nothing beats solid steel and build quality that lasts a lifetime. This longevity is compared with today’s vehicles, which you guessed it, are made from ‘plastic’!

Genesis 3 in the bible records that humanity made a wilful choice to choose ‘plastic’. We believed an imposter who said the ‘plastic’ way would last longer and be better than what we had in God’s way. Yet not only not being long-lasting, can you think of anything that we have invented or designed that didn’t end up having some sort of unintended consequence which then needed something new or more to resolve?

Likewise, plastic although amazing in versatility and application, we now strive to avoid it, remove it and clean it up. Researches talk about plastic in the food chain, and micro-plastics in our blood stream. Plastic is useful and amazing but it is not classic, nor are the ways of this World. Civilisations have come and gone, and cultures have risen and fallen. So to create a new pun, we might call the ‘world’s classics’ mere plastic, in comparison to the eternally good, pleasing and perfect will of God! The dictionary defines ‘classic’ as being ‘judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind.’

Therefore true classic is the better pattern of timeless eternal value that reflects the higher and true Classic, who Himself, judges from outside of time itself. Our Father in heaven offers what we might call a classic way to live in Romans 12 which says: Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Being created in the image of God, and living His ways is the way to embody this sticker of ‘Classic!’ When we know that the Lord loves us, and we follow His pattern, when we know we have received the mercy of God - then maybe we can more easily live as a living sacrifice.

Because of Jesus in us, we can choose to follow Him, and be a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. We are not called to wear a sticker…but to actually live it. This idea is an invitation that Paul writes in Romans 12!