Everlasting Arms - by James Newton

"The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms." Deuteronomy 33:27

Have you ever held an object for so long that your arms feel like they are about to drop off? Even a light object held for long enough can start to feel heavy. I've had a reminder of this over the last couple of months since the arrival of my son, Thomas. He was only a little baby - didn't quite make it to the 3kg mark - and compared to my daughter Clara, he is so light to pick up and carry. But when Thomas isn't settling and I have to hold him and rock him and bounce him and walk him (sometimes all at once!) he starts to feel heavy pretty quickly and my arms get really tired. Sometimes I'm tired and grumpy and all I can think about is; "When will this end?". But sometimes, I've reflected on this bible verse and thought to myself; "Thank you God that your arms never get tired!"

Colossians 1:17 says "He (Jesus, who is God) is before all things and in Him all things hold together." All things! He's holding you. He's holding me. He's holding our church. He's holding our society… our country... the universe! Even when there is chaos and confusion, God can see the big picture and even though it might not look like it to us, He is holding all things together for His purposes.

My friend, when the walls of your life seem to be caving in around you, know that God is holding you and His arms are everlasting.