Call of Jesus

The mission call of JESUS is basically a call to build a community of faith under the theme of “The Kingdom of GOD” Jesus said, “As you go into the world, make disciples teaching them to observe all I have commanded you, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit.” JESUS is at work today in the life of HIS people building HIS church, bringing people into a new relationship with the FATHER by grace & faith. This call has not been rescinded by our LORD, so as disciples of JESUS we become community builders. The opportunities for this in HIS church today are many. In a report of the 2006 census, 64% of Australians identify as Christian. This means that 36% have no connection or desire to know GOD in CHRIST JESUS. In 1921 the percentage was 97%. It is anticipated that this will continue to decline in the following census years. Dr. Philip Hughes from Christian Research Association makes an interesting observation. “Too often, I believe, the Church has sought to find its identity in its distinctive external forms, such as music, architecture & the format of church services, rather than in its ability to offer a new way of living within the culture. CHRIST appears within culture to offer an alternative way of life.” Let us make make this our focus to fulfil the call of JESUS.