New Covenant

Jeremiah prophesied a New Covenant to replace the old Sinaitic covenant which God’s people had so miserably failed to keep, and which had inevitably led to their defeat and exile. This new covenant was established once and for all in the death and resurrection of our Lord – He was the once-for-all sacrificial Lamb of God by which it was ratified. Its features were and are:
a) Love
b) Grace
c) Truth
d) Redemption and Restoration
e) Freedom
f) Certainty
g) Sonship
Through the Covenant we have become “ a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God.” Thus we have received the promise of the First covenant, established at Mt Sinai, “so
that (we) may declare the praises of Him who called (us) out of darkness into His wonderful light”.
