Love their mother - by Alf Chehade
My younger daughter taught music at one of Adelaide’s most expensive and prestigious schools. She came home one day with the very sad story of one of her students. The girl was around 13 years old. Her parents’ marriage had broken down, bringing with it incredibly tough consequences for the kids, the wife, the family home, and the family business. The dad had begun an ongoing affair while on a business trip. The girl was distressed beyond what my daughter had ever seen. Surrounded by the best Adelaide could offer, she was devastated beyond description. All she wanted now, was for her mum and dad to be together again.
The best thing a dad can do for his kids is to really love their mother. More than giving “things”, more than fancy holidays, more than expensive schools. Really love their mother.
Ephesians 5:25 says “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the Church and gave himself for it”. Verse 28 says they “ought love their wives as their own bodies”.
That is where family happiness starts.
What profit is there if a person has all this world can offer, yet, by sinful and foolish actions, is estranged from his family, his society, and maybe, his God?