Worship in Manilla - by Ben Bonython

Sunday morning 9am, it is 30 degrees and 90% humidity but God's people gather all over the world. And this was the case in Manilla Philippines.  The praise and worship was amazing, the singing was loud and full and so encouraging.  When you know how these people live and some of the poverty they face, why do they worship so enthusiastically?

When God is in your life and you experience His love and real relationship, you tap into a supernatural peace that passes all understanding.  When you are desperate, and have nowhere else to turn, you worship with a level of passion and raw honesty as you seek the only One who can help.  And in a culture here in the Philippines where song and music play a big role, worship takes a more expressive posture, but no less reverent or respectful.

Worship reminds us that we are God’s people, He created us, and that we belong to him.  Worship takes you to a place where worry is placed at the foot of the cross, as are your daily concerns.  Nothing seems too small or too big for the Lord.  In Worship, we experience unity in diversity as different people from different cultures and demographics come together to glorify and thank the Lord.

I was moved by the worship of these people as their voices lifted the roof and honoured our Lord.  80% of the congregation are under 25yo and most of them have one or two family members working overseas to support the family.  The Church, for the congregation, is the family.  It does not matter who you are, or where you are from, or what you have or have not done…

The question to answer is ‘WHOSE ARE YOU’ – this answer helps you to determine what to do and how to live.  I trust you will be encouraged to hope and prayer as you express your love for Jesus in following Him and playing your part in the gospel reaching your community.  I trust that you will be encouraged in realising that while you have a clear identity in Jesus, your experience and understanding of Jesus and the gospel is constantly taking on fresh perspectives and challenges.  In Jesus, we are found in Him, but never idle!